Forcing NetBeans to use JDK1.8 NetBeans on MAC OS X uses a version of JDK in some non-explicit way, and it's not always what you want. Look for JDK 8 installations ('Java SE 8'). If you don't have one, then download a JDK 8 version and install it. Liberica JDK provides Long term Support for all of its open source builds that act as alternatives for Java application development toolkits. The Liberica OpenJDK package with the HotSpot Virtual Machine viably replaces the Java 8 (LTS), 9, 10, 11 (LTS), 12, 13, 14, 15.
I am trying to create my first macro with LibreOffice version on a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.14.5. When I select menu item 'Tools | Macros | Run Macro' I get this popup box: 'LibreOffice requires Oracle's Java Development Kit (JDK) on Mac OS X 10.10 or greater to perform this task. Please install them and restart LibreOffice.' However, the title of the popup box is 'JRE Required'.
I found a potential answer to this problem in the question 'Mac Java problem when creating a database' but the detailed directions talk about installing the JDK. The error messages I got in the popup implied that I need both the JDK and the JRE.
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE? What are the current instructions for installing the needed Oracle libraries if I want to use macros?
Thanks, bobby
When I install the JDK will I also get a copy of the JRE?
Yes. As I understand, Oracle doesn’t provide a JRE alone. Sorry, I can’t give any other pointer as I don’t use Mac.
@gabix There is a JRE for Mac OS X (current versions filename is jre-8u221-macosx-x64.dmg
), but LibreOffice can't deal with that.
I meant the current Java, not the old Java 8.
E-bot, why not repost it as an answer?
Java 8 Download Mac Os
Since I work with Windows and not with Mac, I only saw it as an additional hint. And the question was already marked as solved. If it still helps, so much the better. Have all your joy in it.